Panchak and the rituals around it
According to the Hindu calendar, there are five such days in every month in which no auspicious work is done. There is also a belief or belief that the people who die on these days also take the other five members of the family along. Let's know the five secrets of Panchak.
How this phase is formed
According to astrology, the third phase of Dhanishta Nakshatra and the period of travel in all four phases of Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra is called quintet or Punchak period. In this way, the movement of the moon planet in Aquarius and Pisces gives birth to this yog.
Effects of various Nakshatras
- There is fear of fire in Dhanishta Nakshatra.
- There is a possibility of discord in Shatabhisha Nakshatra.
- There is a possibility of increasing disease in Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra.
- In Uttara Bhadrapada, there is punishment in the form of money.
- There is a possibility of loss of money in Revati Nakshatra.
Things to avoid during this period
“Agni chorbhayam rogo raajpeeda dhankshatih,
Sangrhe trin-kasthanaan kritey vasvadi panchakey”- Muhurat Chintamani
Meaning- Fire fear, Theft fear, Disease fear, authority fear and loss of money are possible due to the collection of straws and wood in quintet.
- To collect or buy wood
- To put a roof over the house
- To burn the dead body
- To make a bed or a cot
- To travel in the south direction.
- If it is necessary to buy wood, then after the end of the period, perform a havan in the name of Gayatri Mata.
- If it is necessary to put a roof on the house, then the laborers should do the work of getting the roof installed only after the sweets are bloomed.
- If it is necessary to cremate the dead body during the period, then make five separate effigies and burn them at the time of cremation.
- If it is necessary to bring a bed or cot during the period, then use this bed or cot only after the end of the period.
- If it is necessary to travel in the south direction during the period, then you can start the journey by offering fruits in the hanuman temple. By doing this, dosha gets removed.
Types of Panchak
- The one that falls on Monday is called Rog Punchak.
- The one that falls on Monday is called Raj Punchak.
- One which falls on Tuesday is called Agni Punchak.
- The one that falls on Friday is called Chor Punchak.
- One falling on Saturday is called Mrityu Punchak.
- It is not considered necessary to follow the above mentioned things in one falling on Wednesday and Thursday. Apart from the five works of Punchak, any kind of auspicious work can be done in the days falling in these two days.
Solution for death rituals during this period
It is mentioned in many religious texts including Garuda Purana that if someone dies in this period, then five other people in his family also die along with him.
The scripture is-
“Dhanisth-panchakam gramey shabhdisha-kulpanchakam
Purvabhadrapada-rathyah chottra grihapanchakam
Revati grambrahm ch etat panchak lakshanam”
From Dhanishtha to Revathi, there are five categories of these five quintets respectively- Gram, Kul, Rathya, Griha and Grambahya.
It is a belief that if there is a birth and death in Dhanishta, then there are five more births and deaths in that village and city. If it is in Shatabhisha, then in the same family, if it is in Purva, then it is in the same locality, if it is in Uttara, then it is in the same house and in Revati, then in other village-town, birth of five children and death of five people is possible.
According to the belief, the birth of any one in a constellation leads to the birth of five children in the house etc. and the death of one person leads to the death of five people. There is no time to die. In such a situation, the death of five people is possible to some extent, but Uttara Bhadrapada has been considered as Grihapanchak and the question is whether five women of a house will be pregnant, then only five children are possible.
It is an indicator of birth and death and five. Birth is happiness and the so-called results of these constellations divided into houses etc. are going to happen in five households, so it is clear that different types of happiness can come there. If we look at the meaning of five deaths, then there may be disease, suffering, sorrow etc. in five households. Cause pain, sorrow, fear, shame, disease, grief, humiliation and death are the eight distinctions of death. This means that it is not necessary that five should die, five may have some kind of disease, grief or suffering.
Remedies for Panchak
“Pretasya daaham yamdiggamam tyajet sayya-vitanam griha-gopnadi ch”- Muhurat-Chintamani
Remedies are also suggested in Garuda Purana for the peace of the person who dies in this period. According to Garuda Purana, before performing the last rites of the dead body in this period, the advice of a qualified scholar must be taken. If this work is done according to the law, then the crisis is averted. In fact, as per the instructions of the Pandit, five effigies made of flour, gram flour or Kush (dry grass) along with the dead body are put on the earth and these five are also cremated with complete rituals like dead bodies. By doing this, Panchak dosha ends.
Secondly, according to Garuda Purana, if someone dies in this period, then some precautions should be taken in it. First of all, cremation can be done in the middle of the constellation by offering sacrifices from the mantra of the respective constellation. The sacrifices made according to the rules give virtuous results. Also, if possible the cremation is done in the place of pilgrimage, then the best speed is obtained.
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