January 1, 2018 Blog

Tips For Astrologically Better Career Growth And Opportunities


    • For monetary gains face should be either towards East or North.

  • A wall behind your back while working represents support. Also to strengthen the support, hang a poster of mountains. Chairs with high back also add on to support.
  • While working for new ideas- an open space will do the favour.
  • Square wooden furniture should be your first choice. If any of the furniture is broken, either get it repaired or change it immediately.
  • To avoid the loss of money fix if there are any leaking taps or water faucets.
  • Always keep your office well lit. Also keeping candles in the South East corner is a sign of bright future of the business. Fresh flowers in the East also help.
  • Instruments such as computers, machines etc that generate heat must be placed in the South East direction.
  • For an innovative and creative kind of job such as artist, writer etc then make sure your workplace is free from all the worldly distractions.
  • If you are the owner of a business then make sure that you get the SW room at office and you sit in the SW corner of this room with your face in North.
  • If you are a manufacturer i.e. you own a factory, make sure you keep the finished products or goods in the North West direction as it speeds up selling hence increases productivity. Make sure that the center of room is open and free.
  • The doors and windows of your office should always be cleaned up because this invites the goddess of money Laxmi and insures its long stay.