February 8, 2018 Blog

Horoscope Of 11 February 2018


By: Pushtiie

Aries: Everything changes form and yet it is the same. Don’t get fooled by the form you see before you. Go to the roots, you will see the truth. Be receptive to transformation with and without.


Taurus: Not all activity happens over ground level, each time. The most important stuff often happens underground. Dig deep and become aware of what all is happening within, Taurus. That will manifest on the outside, eventually!


Gemini: Get ready for a few surprise gifts today. These are beyond value. The studies, health and business aspects of your life are about to flourish with the work you put in today. All the Best!


Cancer: Being in self-denial will only pull that to you more. Today is when you accept the reality of your situation and allow the solution to come to you loud and clear. It is right there.


Leo: Finally you are starting to believe in your self today. This was long pending. You have the courage and the inner fire to manifest all that you want to. Welcome to yourself and now forever!


Virgo: Joy comes from sharing everything you already have. Your pots are already full beloved. Today you are given the opportunity to enjoy your joy and share it too. Being satisfied is the key for today.


Libra: You are in the stage of potential, today. You will have inspirations galore. But it’s time to jot them down and not act upon them. Make them a solid plan and then get to working.


Scorpio: You can nurture and be nurtured today. There is so much love in the universe for you. There is abundance and plenty in your surroundings, all you have to do is pick what you want.


Sagittarius: Wait today out. It is not the day to make decisions or take sides. You need to create inner balance to make sure you see the complete picture and how you can move ahead, tomorrow.


Capricorn: Strong feelings will give you the hint of what is important today. The Love you feel today for anyone or anything is very real. You may recognize a soul mate today. Take the next step!


Aquarius: Everything is perfect. You are fulfilled and content. Stay with the ideas of abundance and plenty. There truly is enough for everyone and you can share all you want. Makes you richer than you are.


Pisces: Spend some alone time today. It is important for you to discover what you are honestly feeling. You have been avoiding it and now it will not stay hidden. Time for a little truth, Pisces.