We all need a lot of hope with a dash of optimism. We all need a little motivation to get back in the game. What makes you feel good, Gemini? What activities does the song awaken in your soul? It is time to make room for them. Leo, following the same methods, will lead to the same results. So, get rid of all the rule books out the window. Allow yourself to be creative. Allow yourself to flirt with the unknown. This is the only way to get out of your routine. This is a sacred moment in Libra. A moment to connect with the river below the river, the center of the creative force that makes you. A moment to synchronize your powers with the universe, weave magic, spread heat and sun around you.
Aries today: October 28, 2021
There are days when you have to participate and fully commit to life, and then there are days when you have to step back and watch the show unfold. If cosmic signals are something to go through, you will be asked to play the role of "observer", and yes, that means observing your stimuli as well. Remember that what other people say (or don't say) has nothing to do with you. It is very likely that they are acting from a space of ignorance. A word to the wise: draw boundaries where necessary and try not to take things personally.
Cosmic advice: stay away from drama, Aries.
If brute force could help us win every battle, our lives would be very different, Taurus. So, consider shifting your focus a bit. Stand aside and practice active listening instead. You will be amazed at how quickly things turn in your favor as you bring kindness and compassion to the equation.
Cosmic advice: it's time to transcend your ego space, that's good.
We all need a lot of hope with a dash of optimism. We all need a little motivation to get back in the game. What makes you feel good, Gemini? What activities does the song awaken in your soul? And most importantly, who are the people in your life who remind you of the rainbow behind the clouds. It's time to connect with them your way. Something tells us that you are about to weave magic in a way that you have never done before.
Cosmic Tip: Hope and optimism are magic words.
Cancer, you know what you want to do and you have known it for a while. It is time to look inward. It is time to listen to your heart. Yes, you will have to disappoint some people along the way. Yes, you will have to free yourself of the burden of pleasing everyone as well. In the end, we all have to do what we have to do for ourselves. Time to honor your truth, Jamil.
Cosmic Tip: Listen to your heart.
Following the same methods will give you the same results. So, get rid of all the rule books out the window. Allow yourself to be creative. Allow yourself to flirt with the unknown. This is the only way to get out of your routine, Leo. The good news is that there are new and exciting opportunities on the horizon. Opportunities to help you move in the right direction.
Cosmic Tip: Allow yourself to innovate.
The universe has a miraculous way of reflecting our beliefs on us. When we think that we are being cared for, no matter what happens, both our wants and our needs are met. When we succumb to the lack mentality, instead, we begin to encounter obstacles of all kinds. The real question is: Would you choose faith over fear? Something tells you that you have what it takes to get your demons out the door this time.
Cosmic Tip: Make this quantitative shift from fear to faith.
This is a sacred moment in Libra. A moment to connect with the river below the river, the center of the creative force that makes you. A moment to synchronize your powers with the universe, weave magic, spread heat and sun around you. Remember, perfection is an illusion. Perfection is just an illusion created by the monkey's mind. Your job is to be fully present so that the energy flows through you until the "actor" is gone.
Cosmic Tip: Time to indulge in the creative process, precious.
We all go through periods of work and periods of rest, and this divine balance between work and not doing somehow keeps us afloat. So instead of holding out where you are, give up. Accept your body's need to take a break and get off the hamster wheel. Spend time doing things that will help you feel rejuvenated in mind, body, and spirit. Note: Trust that you will intuitively know when it is time to exit.
There are times when we have to go out into the world and make our presence felt, and then there are times when we have to work behind the scenes and nurture the seedlings that survive. The latter is a requirement of you, Sagittarius. So, keep coming back for those creative urges. Stay with the flow and immerse yourself in your creations until the "actor" is completely gone. Get closer to the mundane because meditation will add that magical quality to your offerings.
Cosmic Tip: Let the "actor" disappear.
In the end, we can only show what we think we can show. We can only receive what we think we deserve to receive. Time to turn the blocks, Capricorn. It is time to brighten your life. The universe wants to satisfy both your needs and your wants. Your willingness to abandon false narratives will create a paradigm shift in your physical reality.
Cosmic Tip: Time to get rid of false narratives, beautiful.
This is the dance of destiny, Aquarius. Fate goes big to make things right for you. You are likely to witness a great transformation in your career. A great transformation will open doors that were previously tightly closed. Cupid plays the right kind of mischief, some of you may also experience the magic on the front of love and romance. Yes, your soulmate reunion is at stake, sweetheart. Send the correct intention and trust that what should be will find its way into your physical reality.
Cosmic advice: what is unfolding now is the dance of destiny.
Holy macaroni! This to-do list is the size of an entire country. You cannot do all the tasks on your own, and if you do, you will be stuck in the end. So how are you going to get to the exact position? Will you play the role of a superhero or will you finally allow yourself to receive the help you want from others? What the cards want you to remember: Your tribe will be more than happy to help you out.
Cosmic Advice: Allow yourself to accept the support you need.