We tend to think of healing as "love and light." But this is far from the truth. Those who have walked the path of self-realization know that deep meditation and the ability to transform the "shadow" are required. Libra, this is exactly what you are likely to find in the next few days. Gemini, does it occur to you that this is not about you? It really comes down to them and what they are going through right now. So don't take their words or lack of them personally. We are all in mixed feelings because the Moon is quite full today. Aries, considering that the full moon is in your sign, you are likely to have a drink of the day. Take it easy. Take it easy as you remember that being able to feel this deeply is a gift.
It is a kind of day of running a drink in Aries, since the full moon is in your sign. It is very likely that all your feelings are intensifying at this moment, and we are not talking about joy and happiness. But, that's a good thing right? To feel this deeply. Experience the human experience in all its glory. Enjoy who you are now and enjoy what they show you, even if the truth doesn't always make you feel good.
Cosmic Tip: It's time to feel your emotions fully.
This is the dance of destiny, Taurus. Fate moves forward in a big way to make things right for you. You are likely to witness a great transformation in the personal and professional sphere. A great transformation that will align with your heart's desire. So feel free to claim what has always been yours. Those who have been inspired to bridge the gap between a passion and a profession are more likely to find the courage to do so.
Cosmic advice: destiny moves big, beautiful.
Gemini, does it occurs to you that this is not about you? It really comes down to them and what they are going through right now. So don't take their words or lack of them personally. We are all in mixed feelings because the Moon is quite full today. What will help you overcome ambiguity: Focus on the most important person in your life. So, go for shopping, make an appointment with your favorite massage, or just indulge in a self-care ritual. If it makes you feel good, it means that you are on the right track.
Cosmic advice: give yourself the love you deserve.
You gave all your people who were willing to give you a portion of themselves. It's a good idea to take some time to calibrate and ask yourself what these relationships mean to you. Remember that you can only restore a balance that has been skewed if the other person is willing to meet you halfway.
Cosmic Tip: It's time to revaluate your personal relationships.
This chapter of your life requires big dreams and bigger actions. It's time to take charge of your own destiny, take a bold step in the right direction, and inspire collective change. A good question to ponder today: "What do I want to remember?" Please note that there are no shortcuts. There is no magic formula that will get you to your destination in seconds. So, enjoy the process of getting your hands dirty with the inner knowledge that you are on the right track.
Cosmic Tip: Big dreams, big feats, baby!
Wow, I did it again! He has said yes to all the projects that were presented to him at the expense of his mental health. It is a good idea to record it yourself before continuing. It's a good idea to have a frank and honest conversation with yourself about what you can and cannot do. And then, without going on the guilt trip, ask your colleagues, family, or friends for the support you need right now. Note: You are loved more than you think.
Cosmic advice: ask for help and be willing to receive it.
We tend to think of healing as "love and light." But this is far from the truth. Those who have walked the path of self-realization know that deep meditation and the ability to transform the "shadow" are required. This is exactly what you are likely to find in the next few days, Libra. Know that you are ready for this transformation. You are ready to break the old cycles and free yourself from the burden of the past. Remembering the motto "Accept everything, do not resist anything".
Cosmic Tip: All of this happened for the better, even if it wasn't the case at the time.
We were raised to believe that "agreement" is a form of love, a belief that harms ourselves and our relationship with others. So pay attention to how you play a certain role today and the long-term repercussions of your actions. Yes, there is a way to express your truth without going to war, and that is the lesson the universe asks you to learn today.
Cosmic Tip: Speak your truth, Jamil.
Since the Moon is in its prime, your emotions are likely to be amplified. So, pay attention to what will happen today. The motto "Accept everything, resist nothing" will help you to deal with ambiguity. Having said that, you don't have to do this alone. It's a good idea to consider treatment or turn to holistic practices to help you stay focused. Some of you may feel the truth about your relationship (s) coming to the fore as well. Be grateful for discoveries that help you to close old karmic cycles.
Cosmic Tip: Accept ambiguity as part of the transformation process.
It's okay to be disappointed, Capricorn. It's okay to feel like the dreams you once had don't fit into your new novel. It's okay to feel that the things that once mattered to you don't matter anymore. Remember that we all are evolve over time. We all are becoming more ourselves than we used to be. Accept what is "becoming" and what is "inappropriate" at the same time because it helps you get closer to who you really are.
Cosmic Advice: Accept who you become, Capricorn.
Let's talk about the manifestations of yin and yang. Each attempt requires a follow-up action. All work requires perseverance, patience and perseverance. That's what the latter is about. On the other hand, Yin calls for a deep sense of surrender. Inside is knowing that the universe knows what is best for you and will bring it to you in divine time. Thus, he strikes a balance between the two, as you prepare to summon that miracle you've been working for!
Cosmic Tip: Understand the process of faking yin and yang.
What do you do when everything starts to fall, Pisces? What do you do when the love you've been waiting for and praying for comes to your door? Open your arms and let yourself be received, beautiful. Open your arms and allow yourself to receive what has always been yours. As for the fear that tells you that it is too good to believe? It is time to go to the exit door.
Cosmic Advice: Receive it with grace and gratitude.