October 6, 2021 Blog

Today Horoscope For 6th October, 2021 - StarzSpeak


Soulmate relationships can be a scary place, often due to the tendency to mirror each other. Leo, this aspect of your relationship will expand under the influence of the Libra New Moon. So instead of moving into the space of denial, wake up to what the universe is beginning to show you. You are charming, my love! An alchemist blessed with the ability to turn lead into gold. Scorpio, this is the time to close the old cycles and release the threads of karma that have been preventing you from living your way and your goal. Freedom is the practical word here, beautiful. But this does not mean that the transition to the new is easy. You will be full of anger and resentment from time to time. You will find yourself wishing for things to end in a harmonious way. What the soul wants you to know: There is order in chaos and chaos in order. This is a week of searching for the bright side, Capricorn. A week of hope and endless possibilities. You are asked to trust that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as you continue forward with a leap in your stride.

So, are you ready for today’s horoscope? Let’s jump into the following points:

Aries today: October 6, 2021

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The New Moon in Libra awakens you with a gift of intuition. Trust what appears to you in moments of silence. Trust what comes from the invisible and the unknown. You will be able to put the puzzle together over time, if not now. Associations of all kinds are also taking center stage right now. You know they are Aries. You know they are. Do whatever it takes to nurture the seed of this love.

Cosmic advice: awaken your intuition.

Taurus Today: October 6, 2021

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Time and space heal everything, Taurus. Time and space heal everything. So, allow yourself to retreat into the void, the cosmic womb, the sacred place where you will come back to life. As you do so, resist the urge to go back to someone who bruised you in the most unimaginable places. Remember that you are enough and that whatever you are fighting within will help you to do what is right for you this time.

Cosmic Advice: Respect the need to retreat to your sacred space.

Gemini Today: October 6, 2021

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Sometimes the perfect romance is before our eyes. But our illusions prevent us from realizing it. The good thing is that you get a second chance. You have a second chance, Gemini. Know how lucky you are and do whatever it takes to foster that particular connection. Something tells us that growing old together is your idea of the perfect romance.

Cosmic advice: everything unites, beautiful.

Cancer Today: October 6, 2021

cancer, Horoscope, TodayHoroscope

When something is meant for you, it will work through thick and thin. When something is missing, it will keep finding countless blocks. Discover what the universe shows you, beautiful. Know that rocks have been placed in your path for a reason. It is time to get rid of your attachments to the past, Cancer. It is time to write a completely new chapter in collaboration with the universe.

Cosmic Tip: Rocks have been put in your way for a reason.

Leo Today: Oct 6, 2021

 leo, Todayhoroscope, HoroscopeSoulmate relationships can be a scary place, often due to the tendency to mirror each other. This aspect of your relationship will amplify under the influence of the Libra New Moon. So instead of moving into the space of denial, wake up to what the universe is beginning to show you. You are charming, my love! An alchemist blessed with the ability to turn lead into gold. So what aspects of "me" are you being asked to change today? Listen to the voice of wisdom and dedicate yourself to inner work.

Cosmic advice: pay attention to what is reflected in you, beautiful.

Virgo today: October 6, 2021

virgo, Horoscope, TodayHoroscope

There is no transformation without a fair share of chaos. So look beyond the illusion, Virgo. Accept everything as a gift from the universe, including the so-called messy parts. Something tells us that you are moving into the future by leaps and bounds. The future you always dreamed of and dreamed of.

Cosmic Tip: Everything happens for a reason, beautiful.

Libra today: October 6, 2021

libra, Horoscope

Last season, Libra. Playing games is last season. The new moon in your sign inspires you to throw out all the false, defend your truth and own your place in this world. Remember, it is not your job to make everyone around you feel comfortable. Not so. Be who you've always been, boo, while allowing those around you to adjust.

Cosmic Tip: It's time to defend your truth like never before.

Scorpio today: October 6, 2021

scorpio, Horoscope, TodayHoroscope

This is the time to close the old cycles and release the threads of karma that have been preventing you from living your way and your goal. Freedom is the practical word here, beautiful. But this does not mean that the transition to the new is easy.

You will be full of anger and resentment from time to time. You will find yourself wishing for things to end in a harmonious way. What the soul wants you to know: There is order in chaos and chaos in order. Looking for the good in every situation will help you loosen your grip and face the true North.

Cosmic Tip: This is when tournaments close.

Sagittarius today: October 6, 2021

sagittarius, Horoscope, TodayHoroscope

The new moon in Libra brings all kinds of surprises, and a deeper connection with your partner is definitely one of them. You are exactly where you want to be, Sagittarius. Feels great doesn't it? What makes your connection more meaningful is the realization that the two of you came together for a higher cause. So sync your powers, savage, and pour your energy into making work a better place. Magic is in the air for individual shooters too. What it means to be yours will never pass you by. Get ready to see how the divine plan works!

Cosmic Tip: What is meant to be yours will never pass you by.

Capricorn Today: October 6, 2021

capricorn, Horoscope, TodayHoroscope

This is a week of searching for the bright side, Capricorn. A week of hope and endless possibilities. You are asked to trust that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as you continue forward with a leap in your stride. You are so adorable and caring. Your guide arranges many, many behind-the-scenes miracles for you.

Cosmic advice: believe in miracles and something else.

Aquarius today: October 6, 2021

aquarius, Todayhoroscope

This is a time of hope, magic and synchronicity, Aquarius. A moment to believe in infinite possibilities. Yes, the universe is coming for you in a big way and helps you fix things with your beloved. If the game of karma keeps you apart for any reason, trust that you will soon know the depth of your connection. We see a soulmate reunion on the cards, the Water Bearer. A connection that will change your love and the world around you.

Cosmic advice: trust this and stay in the energy of love no matter what.

Pisces today: October 6, 2021


The process of transfiguration requires a deep and profound sense of surrender. An inexhaustible faith in the Powers combined with the inner knowledge that they are with you no matter what. So when something is not working according to your expectations, know that you are protected. And when something takes longer than expected, know that you are ready to make room for miracles. Heard at the Cosmic Conference: What it means to have you will always find its way into your world!

Cosmic Tip: You are ready to make room for miracles, Pisces.