Namkaran Muhurat 2025: There are many rituals and ceremonies in Sanatan Dharma. One of those rituals is the naming ceremony. Naming ceremony is an important occasion where a name is given to a newborn baby. It is one of the most important 16 sacraments of Hinduism.
Namkaran Sanskar is one of the initial rituals of a baby's life. For this reason, parents are advised to start the ceremony on an auspicious day after checking the Namkaran Muhurat 2025 list. AstroSage's exclusive article contains limited details about the auspicious Naamkaran Muhurat for arranging the naming ceremony and ceremony.
The naming ceremony has immense importance in Hindu religion. However, in today's modern era, it is often seen that people name their children without seeing the date, naming time, etc. But, religious people still follow the norms of checking the auspicious day, tithi and muhurat to start the rites. Organizing important children's celebrations will bring auspicious results in their lives.
It is said that a person's name itself confirms his existence. That means our name is our identity. In such a situation, the naming ceremony should be started only after knowing the date and auspicious time. Like other auspicious events, the naming ceremony should also be done on the basis of auspicious time. The naming ceremony also has religious and astrological significance. If this question is arising in your mind, why name your child according to an auspicious time and a particular day, then read this article to get the correct answer.
Naming a newborn baby is one of the 16 rituals performed in Hinduism. It is one of the first and important celebrations of a child's life. If the family members are following the Naamkaran Muhurat 2025, auspicious time and day, it has a positive impact on the child. For this reason, people who believe in religion and astrology seek advice from a renowned astrologer to carry out the ceremony. The child receives its auspicious results throughout his life.
According to Vedic tradition, a person's name is said to hold within itself a vital energy that enables one to establish a connection with the energies of the universe. It helps in proper development of the religious and materialistic world. This is the reason behind the importance and specialty of the naming ceremony. From a religious and astrological point of view, the tradition of Namkaran Sanskar is helping the child to gain social powers as he grows up. So, if you are looking to name your little one in 2025 then the Naamkaran Muhurat 2025 list will provide all the important details. Apart from this, if you wish, contact an expert astrologer to get specific answers related to the day.
Important Fact: In Sanatan Dharma it is believed that name determines the personality and destiny of a person. For this reason, the naming ceremony is given importance in religion. Usually the naming ceremony is performed on the twelfth and thirteenth day after birth.
After knowing the importance of Namkaran Sanskar, let us move ahead and know in detail about the Muhurtas and timing of the Sanskar in different months. We provide clear details related to Namkaran Muhurat 2025 below:
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
03 January, Wednesday |
07:14:25 |
31:14:24 |
04 January, Thursday |
07:14:37 |
22:07:18 |
07 January, Sunday |
22:08:43 |
31:15:05 |
08 January, Monday |
07:15:10 |
22:03:36 |
11 January, Thursday |
17:39:31 |
31:15:20 |
12 January, Friday |
07:15:19 |
31:14:20 |
17 January, Wednesday |
07:14:53 |
31:14:54 |
18 January, Thursday |
07:14:44 |
20:46:54 |
21 January, Sunday |
07:14:04 |
31:14:04 |
22 January, Monday |
07:13:48 |
28:59:04 |
25 January, Thursday |
08:17:31 |
31:12:49 |
31 January, Wednesday |
07:10:10 |
31:10:11 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
01 February, Thursday |
07:09:40 |
31:09:40 |
02 February, Friday |
07:09:06 |
29:57:18 |
04 February, Sunday |
17:52:10 |
31:07:57 |
08 February, Thursday |
07:05:20 |
11:19:37 |
11 February, Sunday |
07:03:11 |
17:14:20 |
14 February, Wednesday |
07:00:50 |
31:00:51 |
18 February, Sunday |
08:17:53 |
30:57:28 |
21 February, Wednesday |
14:18:35 |
30:54:45 |
22 February, Thursday |
06:53:49 |
13:24:29 |
25 February, Sunday |
25:25:26 |
30:50:55 |
26 February, Monday |
06:49:56 |
30:49:56 |
29 February, Thursday |
06:46:55 |
30:46:55 |
Date |
Start Date |
End Date |
01 March, Friday |
06:45:52 |
12:49:05 |
03 March, Sunday |
06:43:46 |
15:55:26 |
06 March, Wednesday |
14:53:08 |
30:40:32 |
07 March, Thursday |
06:39:26 |
30:39:26 |
08 March, Friday |
06:38:20 |
10:41:43 |
11 March, Monday |
06:34:59 |
30:34:59 |
15 March, Friday |
16:08:56 |
30:30:28 |
17 March, Sunday |
06:28:09 |
16:48:09 |
20 March, Wednesday |
06:24:41 |
22:39:07 |
24 March, Sunday |
09:57:56 |
30:20:02 |
25 March, Monday |
06:18:53 |
30:18:53 |
27 March, Wednesday |
06:16:32 |
30:16:32 |
28 March, Thursday |
06:15:24 |
18:38:36 |
29 March, Friday |
20:36:15 |
30:14:13 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
03 April, Wednesday |
18:32:19 |
30:08:29 |
04 April, Thursday |
06:07:21 |
20:12:59 |
05 April, Friday |
18:07:48 |
30:06:12 |
12 April, Friday |
13:13:57 |
29:58:27 |
21 April, Sunday |
05:49:10 |
25:13:58 |
24 April, Wednesday |
05:46:15 |
24:41:02 |
26 April, Friday |
05:44:24 |
27:40:01 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
01 May, Wednesday |
05:40:01 |
27:11:38 |
03 May, Friday |
05:38:21 |
24:07:07 |
05 May, Sunday |
05:36:47 |
29:36:47 |
06 May, Monday |
05:36:01 |
14:42:39 |
09 May, Thursday |
11:56:11 |
29:33:51 |
10 May, Friday |
05:33:11 |
26:52:24 |
13 May, Monday |
11:24:25 |
29:31:14 |
19 May, Sunday |
05:27:55 |
29:27:55 |
20 May, Monday |
05:27:26 |
29:27:26 |
23 May, Thursday |
09:14:49 |
29:26:08 |
24 May, Friday |
05:25:45 |
10:10:32 |
27 May, Monday |
16:56:05 |
29:24:42 |
30 May, Thursday |
07:31:53 |
29:23:52 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
02 June, Sunday |
05:23:14 |
29:23:14 |
03 June, Monday |
05:23:05 |
24:05:41 |
06 June, Thursday |
18:09:36 |
29:22:43 |
07 June, Friday |
05:22:39 |
19:43:45 |
10 June, Monday |
16:17:22 |
21:40:32 |
14 June, Friday |
05:22:44 |
24:05:56 |
16 June, Sunday |
05:22:57 |
29:22:57 |
17 June, Monday |
05:23:06 |
29:23:06 |
19 June, Wednesday |
17:23:39 |
29:23:25 |
23 June, Sunday |
17:04:20 |
29:24:18 |
24 June, Monday |
05:24:34 |
25:25:31 |
26 June, Wednesday |
13:05:56 |
29:25:09 |
27 June, Thursday |
05:25:28 |
11:37:30 |
28 June, Saturday |
10:11:30 |
29:25:47 |
30 June, Sunday |
12:21:35 |
29:26:31 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
03 July, Wednesday |
05:27:40 |
29:27:40 |
07 July, Sunday |
05:29:23 |
29:29:23 |
11 July, Thursday |
13:04:59 |
29:31:17 |
12 July, Friday |
05:31:46 |
29:31:45 |
14 July, Sunday |
05:32:47 |
17:28:19 |
15 July, Monday |
19:21:23 |
24:30:25 |
17 July, Wednesday |
05:34:20 |
27:13:08 |
21 July, Sunday |
05:36:30 |
29:36:30 |
22 July, Monday |
05:37:02 |
22:21:48 |
25 July, Thursday |
16:17:15 |
29:38:43 |
26 July, Friday |
05:39:17 |
29:39:17 |
28 July, Sunday |
05:40:24 |
14:48:18 |
31 July, Wednesday |
05:42:05 |
29:42:06 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
01 August, Thursday |
05:42:40 |
10:24:24 |
09 August, Friday |
05:47:10 |
29:47:10 |
11 August, Sunday |
05:48:15 |
29:48:15 |
21 August, Wednesday |
24:34:23 |
29:53:39 |
22 August, Thursday |
05:54:10 |
13:48:37 |
23 August, Friday |
10:41:16 |
29:54:42 |
26 August, Monday |
15:55:47 |
26:22:02 |
28 August, Wednesday |
05:57:15 |
15:53:37 |
30 August, Friday |
17:56:33 |
29:58:16 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
04 September, Wednesday |
06:00:47 |
30:00:47 |
05 September, Thursday |
06:01:16 |
30:01:17 |
06 September, Friday |
06:01:46 |
15:03:35 |
08 September, Sunday |
06:02:45 |
15:31:23 |
09 September, Monday |
18:04:44 |
30:03:15 |
13 September, Friday |
21:36:19 |
30:05:11 |
15 September, Sunday |
06:06:11 |
18:50:02 |
18 September, Wednesday |
11:01:30 |
30:07:38 |
19 September, Thursday |
06:08:08 |
30:08:09 |
20 September, Friday |
06:08:38 |
21:17:36 |
22 September, Sunday |
23:02:36 |
30:09:37 |
23 September, Monday |
06:10:07 |
30:10:07 |
27 September, Friday |
06:12:09 |
25:21:31 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
03 October, Thursday |
06:15:18 |
30:15:18 |
04 October, Friday |
06:15:52 |
30:15:51 |
07 October, Monday |
09:49:46 |
26:25:32 |
11 October, Friday |
06:19:47 |
12:08:52 |
14 October, Monday |
06:21:33 |
24:43:31 |
16 October, Wednesday |
20:43:01 |
30:22:46 |
17 October, Thursday |
06:23:22 |
30:23:21 |
18 October, Friday |
06:24:00 |
13:27:13 |
21 October, Monday |
06:25:53 |
30:25:53 |
24 October, Thursday |
06:27:51 |
26:01:26 |
28 October, Monday |
15:24:19 |
30:30:35 |
30 October, Wednesday |
06:31:59 |
13:17:59 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
01 November, Friday |
18:18:58 |
27:31:21 |
03 November, Sunday |
06:34:53 |
30:34:52 |
07 November, Thursday |
11:47:39 |
30:37:53 |
08 November, Friday |
06:38:38 |
30:38:37 |
13 November, Wednesday |
06:42:30 |
30:42:30 |
17 November, Sunday |
06:45:41 |
30:45:40 |
18 November, Monday |
06:46:28 |
15:49:04 |
20 November, Wednesday |
14:50:47 |
30:48:04 |
21 November, Thursday |
06:48:52 |
15:36:12 |
25 November, Monday |
06:52:02 |
30:52:02 |
27 November, Wednesday |
06:53:38 |
30:53:37 |
28 November, Thursday |
06:54:25 |
32:42:02 |
Date |
Start Time |
End Time |
05 December, Thursday |
12:51:44 |
30:59:46 |
06 December, Friday |
07:00:29 |
17:19:02 |
08 December, Sunday |
07:01:55 |
16:03:47 |
11 December, Wednesday |
07:03:58 |
31:03:58 |
15 December, Sunday |
07:06:32 |
26:20:36 |
22 December, Sunday |
07:10:22 |
31:10:22 |
23 December, Monday |
07:10:49 |
17:10:38 |
25 December, Wednesday |
07:11:43 |
31:11:43 |
26 December, Thursday |
07:12:07 |
18:10:07 |
27 December, Friday |
20:29:05 |
31:12:29 |
The name of the child is kept on the tenth, twelfth, and thirteenth day of birth and is referred to as the Namkaran sacrament.
Today people are becoming modern and name their child without thinking. This is why you get to hear different names of children. If we want to name our child according to religious and astrological method, then there is a process of name selection.
In the Vedic period, the trend of four types of names is mentioned as follows: First, the name kept on the basis of Nakshatra of the child is called Nakshatra name. The name given at the time of caste ceremony is called a secret name. The name kept at the time of naming ceremony is called practical name and finally the name kept on the basis of special yagya ritual is called yagnik name.
If you also want to perform the naming ceremony based on the mentioned factors and wish to make the child's future bright and happy then contact learned astrologers for personalized questions and answers.
Ayurvedabhivriddhishch Siddhivyavahtestha
Namkarmphalan Tvetat Samudrishtam Manishibhi
Meaning: The naming sacraments contribute towards the longevity of the child’s age and enhancement of sharpness. Along with it, a person is getting fame in life with name, conduct, and deeds. They also make a different identity for themselves with it.
Let us move ahead and understand what things should be kept in mind during Namkaran Muhurta as per religious beliefs. It is believed that there are sixteen rituals from the time the child is in the mother's womb till the end and the naming ceremony is one of the most important rituals among them.
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Om Apo Hishtha Mayobhuvah, tan a urje dadhatan, mahe ranay chakse.
Om Yo Vah Shivatmo Rasah, Tasya Bhajayateh Nah.