This is a powerful moment in the Gemini seat. Change of time to wake up from the fire. Time to let go of the old story. But not all transitions have to be complicated. The energy of destruction can be avoided when one consciously chooses to walk the path. Your wounds are sacred, Aries, and so, these are the tears that you shed only at night because they are the doors through which love and light can enter your being. So don't be ashamed to sit with yourself, pretty. Don't be ashamed to do the inside work. Capricorn, this is what you are told to focus on for the next few days - fill up your cup, remember what makes you beautiful (from the inside out), and give yourself the pat on the back you deserve. Learning to be your best friend will change your relationship with the outside world forever.
Your wounds are sacred, Aries, and so, these are the tears that you shed only at night because they are the doors through which love and light can enter your being. So don't be ashamed to sit with yourself, pretty. Don't be ashamed to do the inside work. If there are any signs that you need to go through, you will see this period in your life as a major turning point.
Cosmic Advice: The sage Rumi says: "The wound is where the light enters."
Maybe not the other person, Taurus. Perhaps your idea of perfection is playing with your reality. A word to the wise: let it go. Let it all go. Take space for the other to be himself. Keep a space for real intimacy to happen. Remember, when you get your idea of how things should and shouldn't be known, they may find you halfway there.
Cosmic advice: everything is as it should be.
This is a powerful moment in the Gemini seat. Change of time to wake up from the fire. Time to let go of the old story. But not all transitions have to be complicated. The energy of destruction can be avoided when one consciously chooses to walk the path. So be careful, precious. Following the path of least resistance will help you get to the other side effortlessly.
Cosmic Tip: Take the path of least resistance.
Home is where your heart, cancer, and the holiday season make you want the company of your loved ones more than ever. Here's the thing: your to-do list will never be complete. There will always be more meetings to attend and tasks to do. However, prioritize what is important. In other words, it is spending quality time with family and/or at home.
Cosmic Tip: Home is where the heart is, beautiful.
This is your big moment, Leo! The grand finale, so to speak. Don't be embarrassed to share your story with important people. Drop the narrative that you will call yourself terrible things if you celebrate your success. The good news is that your victories are more likely to attract the attention of important people and open many doors for you. When in doubt, say yes a hundred times.
Cosmic advice: this is your great and beautiful moment.
You've been repeating the story of imperfection, Virgo. You're telling yourself that things won't get any better from here. As a result, you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, it's time to change the narrative a bit. Stimulate the flow of blood circulation and allow yourself to give and receive freely. We see a change in your financial situation on the cards, and we see it coming soon.
Cosmic Tip: Time to redefine your relationship with money.
What if we said that everything you seek is already within you? What if we said that you are the one you've been looking for all along? This is the time to turn inward, Libra. It’s time to deepen your relationship with yourself. Filling your cup will free you from toxic bonds and dependencies, while also helping you cultivate the bonds that give you room to grow.
Cosmic Tip: It is time to deepen your relationship with the "I".
Such a beautiful moment at Scorpio headquarters. You are not where you imagined you would be, but you are on your way there. The fact that you focus on the journey rather than the destination is a sure sign of growth, beautiful. What other things are working for you right now? Your ability to think long-term instead of making hasty decisions. These dreams require you to keep your feet firmly on the ground, a skill that you seem to have mastered for a period of time.
Cosmic advice: practical decisions will be of great use to you.
Give yourself the time you need to mourn the death of your old dreams. But don't delay. What you are facing right now is a sure sign of growth, Sagittarius. A sign that you have evolved since you started this path. If you are unclear on which seeds to plant next, that's fine too. Trust that the divine guidance you seek will come when needed.
Cosmic advice: give up now.
The problem is that we tend to seek love, approval, or validation from others, which only increases our disappointment and lowers our vibration. On the other hand, when we turn our gaze inward, true transformation occurs. Here's what you're being told to focus on for the next few days: Fill your mug, remind yourself of what makes it beautiful (from the inside out), and give yourself the pat on the back you deserve. Learning to be your best friend will change your relationship with the outside world forever, Capricorn.
Cosmic Tip: Sometimes you just have to give yourself the pat on the back you deserve.
"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional." Today, he is asked to think about Haruki Murakami's beautiful words as he remembers that these two words will pass. The gift of your inner awareness will help you shift the dark clouds of sadness and make room for lightness to enter your life. So stop. same. Be prepared for yourself. While you're at it, skip the narrative that you need to be busy at all times until you feel validated.
Cosmic advice: pause, breathe and be present in what will happen in your inner landscape.
You've been rambling on about this decision for a while, Pisces, and it's only delaying your life's progress. So, make a decision and stick with it. Moving into a space of silence will help you tap into the voice of wisdom within you. When it comes to professional matters, you are asked to choose what you think aligns with your goal. Note long-term gains rather than short-term results.
Cosmic advice: make a decision and stick with it.
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