October 18, 2021 Blog




Here’s a radical idea, Scorpio: For the next ten days, give yourself the permission to be who you are in every situation and to say what you’re feeling without dimming your light. It’s time to express yourself fully. To be the most radiant version of yourself as you move past the fear of how you may be perceived. Gemini, you tend to waste so much time rationalising your feelings. But, the head has no business in matters of the heart. So, put yourself out there. Say what you want to say exactly how you want to say it, without editing a word. The time has come to shed the past, Capricorn. The time has come to honour the stirrings of your heart. A new chapter in the realm of love and romance is about to begin for you. So, allow yourself to flow with the cosmic currents, beautiful.

Aries Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

The trouble is, you’ve been saying yes to everything, Aries. You’ve been taking on more than you are prepared to handle. However, spreading yourself thin isn’t serving you in any way. What it is doing is draining your resources and taking you down a negative thought spiral. So, draw some boundaries for yourself and others. Admit to your limitations. This will help you restore the balance that has gone astray.

Cosmic tip: Come clean about what you can and cannot do today.

Taurus Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

We tend to think of rules as blasé, but, the truth is, some amount of structure is required for us to flow better, to put our best foot forward, and create the kind of work we will be remembered for. So, honour the need to be disciplined, Taurus. Stay committed to your goals despite the personal challenges you may be faced with at this moment. We see a big breakthrough on the cards for you, and we see it rather soon.

Cosmic tip: Stay committed to your goals no matter what.

Gemini Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

As an air sign, you tend to waste so much time rationalising your feelings. But, the head has no business in matters of the heart. So, put yourself out there, Gemini. Say what you want to say exactly how you want to say it. Yes, we mean without editing a word. Don’t let the fear of rejection keep you from vibrating at the frequency of love and making that bold move you’ve been contemplating for a while now.

Cosmic tip: Some risks are worth taking, beautiful.

Cancer Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

The end of the retrograde season has you looking back and looking forward. It’s true that things haven’t been picture perfect, but you couldn’t have asked for better, Cancer. You understand that everything took place for a reason, and that you were being taught important soul lessons. The good thing is, you can take that next step with your eyes wide open. As such, this period marks a new beginning in the realm of your career. Pay attention to the opportunities on the horizon. Laying a solid foundation will change the money game forever.

Cosmic tip: Pay attention to the opportunities on the horizon. 

Leo Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

Leo, you’re feeling a little bit risky and a little bit frisky, and your partner certainly isn’t complaining. It’s time to explore your adventurous side, in the bedroom and outside, as you drop your inhibitions down to zero. Single lions are likely to meet somebody they share an undeniable chemistry with. Somebody who is just the right mix of compassion and courage. Stay in the present as you revel in what this moment is offering you. Now is not the time to worry about what the future may hold.

Cosmic tip: You’re feeling a little bit risky and a little bit frisky.

Virgo Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

Pay attention to how you feel in the company of those you consider your inner circle. Do you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world post your interactions or drained in a way that you cannot put into words? That the latter is a red flag is not something you need us to validate. So, trust your inner compass. Trust what you’re being shown by the Universe. If this means putting some distance between you and a certain somebody, so be it, Virgo.

Cosmic tip: Pay attention to the relationships that are depleting your reserves.

Libra Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

The cards are talking about a drama with a capital “D”. It’s important to remember that what’s unfolding has nothing to do with you. People are merely projecting their shadows and their unhealed wounds. What you don’t want to do: say anything hurtful that could later be used against you. What you want to do: stay in your centre no matter what and look beyond the illusion of chaos.

Cosmic tip: Libra, what’s unfolding has nothing to do with you.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

Here's a radical idea: For the next ten days, give yourself the permission to be who you are in every situation and to say what you're feeling without dimming your light. It’s time to express yourself fully, beautifully. To be the most radiant version of yourself as you move past the fear of how you may be perceived. This is also a time of honouring both your professional connections and your personal ties. There is power in numbers, Scorpio. So, instead of trying to do it all by yourself, focus on how you can co-create harmoniously with others.

Cosmic tip: You have the permission to express yourself fully.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

What’s that one conversation you have been avoiding, Sagittarius, and why are you afraid of telling it like it is? It’s time to honour your truth. It’s time to stand up for what you believe despite the opposition you may face. No, this is not going to be easy. Yes, there is a chance those around you will refuse to see things from your perspective. Don’t let that stop you from being the most authentic version of yourself.

Cosmic tip: Honour your truth despite the consequences.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

The time has come to shed the past, Capricorn. The time has come to honour the stirrings of your heart. A new chapter in the realm of love and romance is about to begin for you. So, allow yourself to flow with the cosmic currents, beautiful. This is also an important period for you when it comes to career and creativity. You are finally receiving the rewards for all the work you have put in over the years and manifesting the level up you truly deserve.

Cosmic tip: Here’s to love and other intoxicants.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

It's all all or nothing, Aquarius. It's all or nothing. Pay attention to what your interpersonal relationships are mirroring back at you. If they've got one foot out of the door, it probably means they're not that into you. What you want to make space for: somebody who's actions match their words. What you want to let go of: the need to make excuses for somebody who's clearly making you feel like you're not enough.

Cosmic tip: Make space for somebody who shows up for you consistently, even when it's hard to.

Pisces Horoscope Today: October 18, 2021

Pisces, you’ve been doing and giving. Giving and doing. Being the beacon of light that you are and holding space for everybody around you. But, are those around you as invested in maintaining ties as you are? Something to think about as you sip on your morning tea, beautiful one. What you’re being asked to focus on today: restoring balance in all of your relationships. Yes, that means allowing yourself to receive as much as you give. 

Cosmic tip: Seek balance in your interpersonal relationships.

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