October 4, 2021 Blog



Here's the thing, Capricorn: you always have the option of repeating the story of "I am who I am because ..." or accept what happened and choose to move on. The past does not define you. We repeat: the past does not define who you are now. The vibration that defines your reality. Gemini, don't you love how it all comes together in the end? Don't you love it when you remove the obstacles themselves? The galaxy works in mysterious and beautiful ways. It is time to trust that and move within yourself knowing that you will be cared for regardless of the outcome.

Aries today: October 4, 2021

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Time for a quick check-in: How do you feel about the selected connection? Do you see them as part of the future you envision for yourself? No, it won't be easy, Aries. But it doesn't have to be that difficult either. Today, you are asked to trust the movements of your heart, to trust what the universe appears to you and to take a step towards your eternal happiness. Your guide spends a lot of time clearing the obstacles that stood in your way.

Cosmic tip: it's time to believe in magic again.

Taurus Today: October 4, 2021

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If it was meant to be this way, it would work through thick and thin. If you are not meant to be a part of your story, no force will hold things together, Taurus. So let it fall apart, my love. Allow shaky foundations to crumble while staying focused on everything. There is order in chaos and chaos in order. A word to the wise: Trust that God's plan works for you!

Cosmic Advice: There is order in chaos and chaos.

Gemini Today: October 4, 2021

gemini, dailyhoroscope, horoscope

Don't you like how it all comes together in the end? Don't you love it when you remove your own obstacles? The universe works in mysterious and beautiful ways. It's time to trust that and move forward knowing that you will be taken care of no matter the outcome. As such, this is the time to show up and fulfill the wish for you. So be sure to whisper a prayer of gratitude when you receive what you have been praying for.

Cosmic advice: this is the time to show up and fulfill your wish.

Cancer Today: October 4, 2021

cancer, horoscopes, dailyhoroscope

This week, you are in the mood to spend time with the most important people in your life, also known as your family.The greatest way to invoke creative forces and bond with each other is by participating in indoor activities, like cooking, gardening, and painting. Consider being clever with children as a way to spark their inherent fun. At the same time, make a conscious effort to honor your body and your being. Something tells us that the ritual of self-care is about to take on a whole new meaning.

Cosmic Tip: Slow down and have fun with the most important people in your life.

Leo Today: Oct 4, 2021

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When someone treats you badly, he says much more about them than about you. Don't take things personally this retro season. Stay focused and choose to respond rather than respond. This is the only way to overcome your circumstances without being too upsetting. If you disagree with someone close to you, it is a good idea to stay away from you. Trying to fix things ahead of time will only add to the chaos.

Cosmic Tip: Stay focused, lovely.


Virgo today: October 4, 2021

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Traveling on your own. Enroll in that course. Dye your hair. Tell this person you love how much she loves them. Adopt a cat friend. Spread goodness like confetti. Pursue your dreams with a new passion. Time to seize all kinds of opportunities, Virgo. It is time to say yes to the unknown without fear of what tomorrow will bring. What the cards want you to know: You are well liked and supported.

Cosmic Tip: It's time to write the best script for your life.

Libra today: October 4, 2021

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They say: "What you sow, you reap." This applies to where you are, Libra. So get on with your work and get dirty, knowing that your patience and perseverance will yield great results. This is also a time to honor your calling and reorganize your sacred purpose. Remember that your job is only to focus on internal alignment. The universe will worry about the "how" and the "why".

Cosmic Tip: Time to get into the hustle and bustle.

Scorpio Today: October 4, 2021

scorpio, horoscope, dailyhoroscope

You win something, you lose something, this is how life unfolds. However, the problem is that we tend to focus on the latter, giving it more power than it is worth. Could this be true in your case as well? Today, the cards urge you to redirect your gaze to all the things that work for you and all the ways that life supports you. Appreciation is a wonderful practice, Scorpio, that will help you stay in the power of miracles.

Universal advice: focus on all that is blessed and beautiful.

Sagittarius today: October 4, 2021

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Here's a statement to start the week, lovely: "I live in the quantum realm of infinite possibilities." Repeat it out loud to the universe or post it as a reminder on the wall. What the cards want you to know is that the energy of change has awakened for you and that everything is now possible. So, believe in your dreams like never before and take that bold step towards them. It all comes together for you. It all comes together for you, Sagittarius.

Cosmic Tip: A great change has been made for you.

Capricorn Today: October 4, 2021

capricorn, horoscope

Here's the thing, Capricorn: you always have the option of repeating the story of "I am who I am because ..." or accept what happened and choose to move on. The past does not define you. We repeat: the past does not define who you are now. This is your vibration that defines your reality. So, hit the refresh button in this retro season and take charge of your life. As soon as you take a step towards freedom, your path will be cleared.

Cosmic Tip: Hit the refresh button.

Aquarius Today: October 4, 2021

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When we turn to the outside world to check our sincerity, we continue to tremble in the face of repeated fear and self-doubt. When we turn inward for guidance, on the other hand, we can come face to face with our own truth. A word to the wise: get rid of distractions. Create a sacred space that facilitates that metaphorical journey inside. Something tells us that you are about to make great discoveries about your path and purpose.

Cosmic Tip: Embark on that inner metaphorical journey.

Pisces today: October 4, 2021

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What if we say that the system is mired in chaos and chaos? A word to the wise: Trust that everything is as it should be and let go of the need to "fix" your external reality. By changing your perspective, you will be able to understand that your circumstances lead to spiritual growth. Those caught in a legal battle are asked to remain parked and take necessary precautions. This will ensure that the result is in your favor, beautiful.

Cosmic advice: Everything  should be as it is.

Also Read - Numerology - The 3 Special Numbers