May 31, 2021 Blog

June 2021 Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs- Mercury Retrograde Special



Mercury's retrograde travel occurs in your third house of communication, which can lead to misunderstandings and misunderstandings in your exchanges. However, this is also a great opportunity to explore the different ways you can improve the way you express yourself. If speed and rush comes to mind, this is the perfect time to embrace your slowdown. This month's full moon is home to your career and your audience, making the last days of the month perfect for giving a presentation or launching that important project you've been working on.


For you, Taurus, the most important aspect of the month is the square of Saturn and Uranus on June 14. Think of February: What started to change in your life after that? In a way, something is keeping you from concentrating on what really resonates with you. The truth is that sooner or later you will free yourself of this obstacle so that you can thrive in all your splendor. You don't need to make any hasty or impulsive changes at this point, but awareness is the key as you prepare for the third and final of these clashes, which will happen in late 2021!


Happy birthday, Gemini! Your sign has been under a strong cosmic influence, and in June, all the change that has occurred in your life can start to make more sense. The signs are everywhere, so watch out for the solar eclipse on June 10, which is your chance to sow the seed of something new that is close to your heart. Since the return of Mercury occurs in your sign, this is a month of deep meditation for you. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to delve deeper into the depths of your soul when the universe tries to grab your attention.


Your lucky stars are definitely shining, my dear Cancer. Sweet Venus will be in your sign from June 2 to 27, drawing attention and all kinds of goodies your way. This is a great opportunity to pamper yourself and focus on dating if you are single and looking for partner, or spend more time with your friend, if you`re taken. Mars finally leaves your sign on June 11, which reduces energy considerably. The bright sun will also enter your horoscope on June 20 to illuminate you. What would you do with that amount of star power from you?


So far, 2021 has been a year of learning for you, thanks to Saturn in Aquarius. But with Taskmaster Planet now backing down, he's getting a much-needed power outage. Things get even sweeter once Mars enters your sign on June 11. Since the Red Planet is quite comfortable in the fire zone of your sign, expect to feel a great surge of energy at this time. Use it to your advantage by establishing your training program, pursuing your desired goals, or pursuing a worthwhile goal once you become a living Mercury at the end of the month.


As your planetary ruler, Mercury, will take a step back, your focus this month will be on reviewing the many processes that you rely on in your career. June is not a good month to launch new projects or make big changes, it is about analysis and reevaluation, and it is one of your favorite activities! This month's Gemini horoscope also highlights this area of your life, so expect to take a look at new projects and opportunities that may materialize for you in the coming months. Great things on the horizon!


Libra, June is an exciting month that will challenge you mentally, however you want. Both Mercury retrograde and the solar eclipse of June 10 will unite in your ninth house of ideals and philosophy of life. There is a sense of rebirth, and you can even substitute some of your deepest beliefs to adopt new ones that are more in line with who you have become. Once the sun enters Cancer, the focus shifts to your career sector. July will be the time to assert yourself in this area, so spend the last week of June crafting your amazing master plan!


June will be a month that can present some challenges. Don't worry, more than anything, it's about raising awareness about your actions. On June 14, Leo Moon will activate the Saturn-Uranus Square, creating a large static cross that will affect your sign. This intense composition will reveal the ways in which you may feel stumbling and possibly forcing you to consider making a change or a big step. What's stopping you from reaching your full potential? Deep down, you know the answer to this question, dear Scorpio.


May has been a great month for you, Sagittarius and June brings new energy to the area of your life that has undergone many changes. A new lunar eclipse this month will open a new door for you in the world of relationships. Don't expect things to show up right away though, as this door is very private and it may take a while to fully open. Remember also that things will be confusing due to Neptune's haze. Keeping your wits and your feet on the ground will ensure that you are reading the correct signals, not the ones you want to see.


June may be a difficult month for some zodiac signs, but it is a beautiful month for you, Capricorn. Sure, Mercury will be retrograde, but who cares that projects don't move so fast at work when all these rookies beat you? You can thank Venus in Cancer, who will revitalize her relationship sector by providing opportunities for love, pleasure, and pleasure. Don't waste this energy, it comes only once a year. Finally, expect some surprises in the middle of the month, when your ruler Saturn collides with a wild child and sexy Uranus.


Get ready for an exciting month, Aquarius. With two rulers, Saturn and Uranus, colliding in the sky, part of you is required for regeneration. As a constant sign that you don't like change, you may be defending yourself, and that's okay. The story is not over yet, as these two planets still have another showdown on the books at the end of the year. However, time is running out and you know, deep down, what is to come. Dear Water Bearer, remember that this is your year and it is only a matter of time until it fully blooms.


Are you ready for some glamor, Pisces? Oh yes you are. With Jupiter in your sign now, you are expanding, believing - and most importantly, trusting - in your own way. Venus in a water sign, Cancer will interfere with the energy of Jupiter, before the mighty giant retreats in your sign on June 20. Those first 20 days of June are great for you, yes, even when Mercury is retrograde blocking your communications at home. Instead of letting guilt trips ruin your happiness, focus on the positives during a month that has lots of gifts in store for you.