April 13, 2020 Blog

13th April 2020 Daily horoscope


Your energy today is great for new beginnings. Either a project you have been willing to work or on your new fitness regime or just a new little habit, you wanted to add in your routine. Anything you wanted earlier can be initiated today because your stars are properly aligned to associate you in the new events of your life. But be very particular as sometimes while running we come to a speed where stopping becomes difficult. That's exactly something that can happen to you today. It's good to get a track and a direction and all the possible energy you ever wanted but time and planning steps are the best. If everything happens super fast, the things that the road wanted to teach you will vanish away. So, it's good to be energetic but remember excess of everything is bad.

Being responsible has its benefits and limitations. It signifies how trustworthy you are but it also put you in the pressure of maintaining things the way you have and sometimes even in a better way. Experiencing different and new things is a blessing which not everybody gets so rather than taking the responsibility of everybody being happy and enjoying things, think of yourself. You have been enough responsible, don't you think you need to make yourself happy too? Don't worry about things and try to turn worries and negative thoughts into positive ones. Remember, when life gives you lemons either make lemonade or grab some tequila and salt. Don't worry about what to do with the lemons, how to deal with, blah blah! Have some fun.

Today, when you think of being someone different, choose to be the version of yourself which isn't really been very dominant. The one that keeps things to itself. The one that is not really very loud. The one who weeps the loss of others. Allow yourself to feel today but not say. Change and redefine your limits. You aren't what your past made you. You are what you choose to stay in the present and become in the future. Remember to define is to limit.

Your level of extempore is not something everybody can match. Today, when you feel high on energy and all set to accomplish the goal you have set for yourself, others will just not be interested and that is okay. Your star alignment is associating you to gain energy, that does not mean everyone else will be at your pace. Patience by waiting for them will be required from you today. The idea of going down the road alone and working all by yourself on that one project won't be very great as teamwork is far better than individual effort. You need them as much as they need you so just notch yourself down a little and wait for them to understand why is this one thing really important and necessary for you.

Misunderstandings are a part of life. Without them, the true colors of a person are never revealed. Today, a misunderstanding with somebody who's just been in the friend zone lately will give you a tight reality slap. But, as every situation has it's pros and cons, this one comes with a pro which is that you both will be able to talk about your relationship as a whole. The expectations, the disagreements and everything else that bothers you. This alone will not only help you understand each other better but will also clear out whether you want or you don't want to continue being friends with them. A proper conclusion about this particular topic will be there in front of you by the end of the day.

Emotions are one of the biggest concepts of life. Without them, life is a mere program running in everybody's head. Without emotions, survival is not possible. Same way, when you try to deny yours, you try to cheat your own self. Not because you are trying to be strong but because you are restricting yourself from feeling pain. To understand the true meaning of something, you really need to feel it. Today when you feel something about someone, don't let that feeling go. Neglecting something won't change the truth. Own it and admit it. Once you do it, you will realize that it was actually nothing but just a pity thing you were overthinking about. Remember, something you don't accept and stand back for will always have the power to haunt you.

When you get something without actually working for it, the treat feels great. Today, one such thing will happen because your family members and friends will stay happy with you. Your actions will make them feel how lucky they are that they have you and that is a good thing. Even if you have not done something to make them happy, let it be. You are getting the reward and sometimes getting that extra piece of chocolate isn't a bad thing at all.

Watching and understanding are two different things. Same way, hearing something about someone's life and experiencing it yourself is also different. Today, use your words and actions to console someone who's feeling low and unproductive. It might take a few hours but let it. Lifting someone in times of distress is one of the best deeds possible. Understand them and try to wear their shoe for a while. You will get to know the real deal behind that behavior. All in all, make this day productive for yourself and for them too by being a support and lifting them as much as possible.

Today, you might miss spices in your life. Some salt of gossips, some chilies of anger and shouting and a lot more. So what to do? Start talking about disbelieves. Something you know is controversial in your family and see the ultimate fight happening. The heat of the argument might solve the controversy or it might increase it, who knows? But you? You have got the spices you were missing. So, enjoy it.

Being happy with what you have while working for what you want can be the best possible way for life. Human wants are never fulfilled so what to do? While we have a car worth 5,00,000 we dream of a better one. Once we get the upgraded one, we want the even better version. So is the case with life. Once you have achieved something, you devalue it. Whether it's your house, your job, your friends or anything. You lose interest once you own it. Today, try to work on this. Counting your blessings and listing what you already have in life is far better than cribbing about the things that are still not yours. Sooner or later you get what is meant for you, it's just as simple as the fact that the amount of efforts you put in gets you things you deserve. So, be thankful for what you already have rather than just focusing on what you have not.

If you get to have your favorite dish every day, say pizza, the essence will eventually die. The taste won't be the same. The madness to have it, basically, the craving won't be the same and eventually one day, you will lose the love you had for it. Therefore, a change of scene is required from time to time. So, today if you are irritated or you just feel annoyed or something, step up and mix some things up in your life. Change the bedroom setting or wear the new pair of shoes and roam around in your house. Anything unusual can lift your mood so just try doing that.

Sooner or later, you get the fruit of the seeds you have sown. Today, you will get the reward of your past deeds and that is actually very good. You have been doing a great job lately which will revolve back to you and benefit you in all the possible ways. You will also get some days off to enjoy your life. Away from all the responsibilities and work you have been performing. To chill and relax. Remember that balance is very important in life so if you have worked hard in the past, the present asks you to chill a little and then get back to work. So, enjoy this time.