October 1, 2019 Blog

October Monthly Horoscope


Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 19)

With your ruling planet, Mars, you've got lots of energy to burn. You will live a healthy living this month. You will be worried about your health but few fitness tips can help you to revive. Just streamline your schedule and make use of your efficient energy. You won’t confront any major challenges in this month.

Personal growth: The month will bring good luck with prosperity and this Diwali you will have financial benefits. You’ll spend a significant portion of your income on purchase of a new vehicle or new house.

Career: A small change can have a huge impact on your life because previous obstacles which were coming in your career path will be called off. Your dedication and consistent efforts will benefit your organization and you will receive higher profits in comparison to the previous month.

Business - Do not intend to put your feet in any sort of investment and banking business venture. In the event that you are involved in a business with your relative, there are sure shot chances of disagreement and conflicts between both of you. You can intend to proceed with a new business idea after 3rd October 2019.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 19)

There is nothing very exciting about your life this month. Although your energy levels could be high but not going to give you high benefits. Family front will be stable as your spouse is very well managing things . You may not get expected financial help, but will be able to have good control over the expenses. Due to Mars position fluctuation, you will be hardly getting time for family. Try to balance your personal and professional life. 

Personal Growth: The month of October will be challenging for you on the growth factor. You may have reached a mountain top, but something big is still to achieve. You can regret the decisions you have made in the past but try to correct it into future. 

Career: You can face difficulty in office and most of this difficulty has to do with other people, not you. Don't take anything personally, politics is just a part of the office environment. Just do your job and be as amicable as possible. If there comes a new job opportunity, double cross check all the pros and cons of opportunity. If you will go for this job change, it will definitely bring some major changes in your life.

 Business - This  month is going to be the best month of the year and your business will reach high levels of success. You can try and invest in new venture. People in the engineering business will flourish tremendously. Do not allow negativity to engulf you. 

Gemini (May 20 - Jun 19)

It's a time for you to take charge of your finances and try to manage your expenses. Overexposes will trouble you in future. Family front will be stable except health of your parents. Take care of your elders. Follow fitness mantra for the month. The fitness plan will help you to get healthy and make sure that you are far away from illness of any kind. Overall this month will reap good benefits.

Personal growth: Being a creative person in nature, your learning urge for new skills will drive you to a new path and you will be successful in this.

 Career: People involved in government jobs should take all the aspects ranging from positive to negative into consideration before starting with a new project. You may face some problems in pleasing your seniors no matter how much hard work you do.

Business: Good time for freelancers, work-at-home entrepreneurs or small business owners as this month you will shine. Continue to showcase your creativity.

Cancer (Jun 20 - Jul 19)

With the fluctuating position of mars, new things coming your way. Learning all aspects of the life will teach you in a way nothing else can.  A new start is waiting for your go ahead. Your spouse will be your motivator and mentor. family support is the most beautiful thing anyone can have and you are lucky.

Personal growth: There could be  delay but it's never too late. Stars will move in a favourable position but keep patience and believe in god. 

Career: Change is inevitable and adapt to changes happily. Make sure that you understand and ready for changes in your life.  Things will go smooth .Your colleagues may be your support system. you may expect a bonus or an increase in their financial amount. Business: People who are thinking of setting up their new business will have a good chance of doing so.

Business - You may face financial problems, so be cautious and take all your decisions wisely. To achieve high levels of success, don't make big plans, or decisions for expansion. this period will not favour you. The period can turn out to be negative for Entrepreneurs.

Leo (Jul 20 - Aug 19)

New responsibilities are coming your way but you have to accept it. Personal front will be unstable but believe that communication is the best way to resolve disputes. Your spouse will understand you. Make them feel special and spend time with them.. You may feel the urge to groom yourself and enjoy the pleasures of life. A new member is expected this month. 

Personal growth: Due to moon position, personal growth will be hampered but good days will come soon. Try to overcome your problems.

Career: Venus and Saturn are in their best position in this  month. They are going to reap you benefits with monetary gain and position gain. Try to showcase your skills, talents and hard work  and it will reap you benefits.

Business: Leo’s are born leaders. Your leadership skills during will bring will set paths for your success. Try to avoid  delays in taking decisions and be prompt. and make sure you complete the task on time Being in the spotlight can flourish you with name and fame.

Virgo (Aug 20 - Sept 19)

As the Mercury rules over this month, all things will stay on communication. Personal and financial front will become strong. Love and affection is on  cards this month. Try to make your partner feel special. There may be some good news coming in your life. It may be personal or financial, but welcome with open hearts. Health front will be disturbed for parents, so take care of them.  A long trip is also on the cards.

Personal growth : It is very important to be aware of all these things so that you can find alternate courses of actions to your troubles. 

Career: This month will be very advantageous for people working in big and small firms . Although big challenges will come your way but you will face them and will achieve high levels of success. Take benefit of your different skills and potentials.

Business: Stay away from unwanted things in life and concentrate your success mantra. Try to stay calm and quiet in difficult situations. don't involve in to any new venture with female partner.

Libra (Sept 20 - Oct 19)

Every person wants to be social but don't put your personal life on stake. Family comes first and respect your family members. Make new bonding with your life partner. financial benefits in this month are on the cards but don't overwhelmed by the benefits . Try to keep your secrets. Every human being’s life is highly dependent on Karma. The efforts you put in now will reflect on your work later. 

Personal growth:  Society plays a very important role in personal growth. Focus on your weaknesses and try to overcome it .

Career: this month Jupiter is favouring you and will withstand the unlucky time. Make sure you make the best out of every opportunity that you get. Every creative idea will take you 1 step closer to your goal and you will earn respect in the eyes of seniors and boss. 

Business: You will have numerous sources of income and you can invest in new ventures. Creative people will do well this month. This period will be very fruitful for those who are involved in engineering and law profession.

Scorpio (Oct 20 - Nov 19)

This month has a lot of new things for you in your personal and other fronts. But beware of your close relatives, they can turn into enemies. Jealous factor can kill you. Personal front will be stable and good news is coming to your house. New member arrival is expected. You will feel the urge to fulfill your responsibilities. Presence of Venus in Virgo will make you feel the joy and pleasures of life.

Personal growth: Health is wealth. Make sure you don't overlook your physical and mental health to gain short term personal growth benefits . You need to make use of your will power  to tackle issues.

Career: Increments, bonuses, job change is on the cards this months. All these good things will be in favour of you. Sales and marketing people will get a number of opportunities in terms of monetary gain and fame. HR people need to improve skills to be better at current job.

Business : You may be travelling abroad for some business project. Don't get over fascinated by new people and places. Try to broaden your vision and your horizon. This month you will get numerous projects to increase strength your financial front.

Sagittarius (Nov 20- Dec 19)

Sagittarius is going to enjoy a lot in this month. Being a hunter in nature, you often hunt for opportunities but be wise with your choice. Wisely take the decisions and take help from elders. Family front could be little disturbed but understand there is always a generation gap which you have to understand. Power to take decisions and independency is really required, give some space to kids. 

Personal growth;  You may feel the urge to going against everybody else’s wishes. You will feel highly stubborn and this may pose problems for you. This is not good for your personal growth. 

Career: The beginning of the month will be productive and fruitful but the possibilities should not be ignored because after the middle of the month, some difficulties and obstacles will come and if you ignore them, you can even lose your job. 

Business: Money inflow will be good and you would be financially stable and secure for most of the month. However, beware of short-term financial turmoil and don't get overwhelmed by it. Handle your money carefully, try to cut-short overspending. It can create problems in future. 

Capricorn (Dec  20 - Jan 19)

This month is neither going to boring nor stable but you can expect good things after the middle of the month .Family front is stable just avoid to come under the influence of your close relatives, they can harm you . Financial benefit from some ancestor is expected and it will give you monetary or property benefits .There may be some changes which may be cropping up in your partner’s minds during the month. He may want to have an adventurous approach, but this may not go well with you. However, it is advisable to go for a mid way so that you both can be happy.

Personal growth: Personal growth can't be achieved at the expense of disappointment to others. Beware if you will try to do so, you will be in danger in future .

Career:  Career front is very good this month and people working in marketing and sales are going to be star during this period. Your hard efforts will pay you back and you will be in the limelight and your  boss will recognize you .

 Business: When the planets change their direction to other zodiacs, it is a sign that you need to  work hard to achieve high levels of success. To make more gains, make sure you are aware of all the things beforehand so that you can compete with your rivals and win over them.

Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 19)

Remember one thing in life that efforts never go waste and they will reap you benefits in the future. immediate things might sound poor to you but will give you benefits in the  long run. Family is your first and foremost responsibility. You may be disappointed with your partner but they love you and care about you. Communication can solve all the big problems. On a project some difficulties due to certain circumstances, you have not been able to get positive results. But by the kid of the month, stars position is changing and you will benefit out of it .

Personal growth: Personal growth is never related with perfectionism. Nobody is perfect and you will get it over a period of time.

Career: This month is going to help you make new changes to your career. Special attention is to be given to the finer details that are required in your job else your seniors and colleagues will leave you behind in the race. Job transfer is expected. 

Business: Saturn- Ketu position in twelfth house will hamper the growth of your business. Try to indulge yourself into any contractual businesses or agreements.  Business involving Land and  house purchase will give good benefits. Financial profit is on the cards. this month you will get recognition also .

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 19)

Personal front will be disturbed because of strangers. Keep in mind, trust is the building block of your relationship. If you don't follow your intuition, you would be in trouble. You might need to face some struggle to make your relationship strong but efforts never go waste . Singles may even find a romantic partner this month. There may be some people who may try to influence you negatively. However, you need to make your judgments and also adhere to them diligently. 

Personal growth: This month will make you feel overjoyed at little happiness in your life. Sincere efforts will help you gain a lot in future.

Career: The service industry is going to bloom this month and those who are working in this industry are going to benefit out of it .Your colleagues will support you in taking important career decisions. You might need to face some struggle at job due to family problems but soon you will be out of dilemma.

Business - You might have to face few ups and downs in business but make sure you don't lose hope. Good time is on the cards and you will get benefits. If you keep working hard you will get help from family and near ones. Those who are seeking new business ventures, wait for good time to come, then hit the nail .