Aries (Mar-21-Apr-19)
Today you will feel deep connection with the universe. Today you will be inclined towards religious activities and spirituality. You will thank God for all his mercies. Today your anxiety will disappear as you will take the command of the situation. Try to avoid investments in venture capital. At interpersonal level you will have a happy energetic loving mood for your spouse. Singles will be inclined towards compassion and kindness. Today will be a rewarding day for you. Today you will have ample of monetary gains. At family front maintain your integrity and act with confidence with dealing with daily activities. Social image will be increased. Don not be out spoken and emotional during your business deals. At health front you will enjoy the active state of mind and physical fitness too.
Taurus (Apr-20-May-20)
Today be cautious while eating, do not over eat today as it may affect your health adversely. Students should avoid indulgence in outdoor activities as stars are not favourable. Singles will may encounter sudden romantic emotions that will lift their spirit. Professionally today is the perfect day to grab the best business deals. You will be at ease with your clients. Couples will have a great day the spouse will make you feel special today. Monetary gain is certain today and you will enjoy high savings too. The happiness inside you and causal approach will give you good health today. Your special skills at workplace will make things smooth and you will enjoy the company of your subordinates.
Gemini (May-21-Jun-20)
Bank dealings need to be handled carefully today. Professionally you will be less motivated as the Pisces moon is slowing down and making you less motivated. This day may be little bit disappointing for you as you may not get expected results. Professionally superiors may not get satisfied from your work. Be careful, while handling your work assignments. At family level some verbal issues may create friction with your relatives. At interpersonal level couples will have mutual discussion regarding their family relations. At health front tooth pain may trouble you. Mind your words while interacting with an important person. Singles will have a peaceful day with their partner. Socially try to be original in your appearance and behaviour. You may incur financial loss today.
Cancer (Jun-21-Jul-22)
Sports person who are suffering from prolonged illness, may recover today. Socially you will participate in group activities but that incur expenses for you. At family front mind your words while having a conversation with your grandparents as chances of arguments prevail today. Singles may fall in love at first sight today. Couples will impress their spouse by wearing nice dress. Professionally you will have a progressive day. In some project you may feel barrier as your planning will fail today. At financial front incentives and monetary gain is certain today. At health front eyes and teeth may cause stress today. Try to be little carefree to make the day pleasant today. Yoga and meditation will be helpful today.
Leo (Jul-23-Aug-22)
Today you will enjoy evening with your family members. Professionally if you are dealing with foreign clients then today business deals will be at ease. Favourable atmosphere will be at workplace. Couples will have a sincere approach in their relationships. Monetary gain is certain today, chance of more saving is there. Singles will enjoy romantic feelings for someone special. Friendly approach will give you better public image today. Your skills will be acknowledged. The day appears to be little bit more flexible in terms of daily routine. Travelling for business will be fruitful for you. Try to avoid investing in stocks and venture capital. At family front you will have joyful day. Distant relatives may visit you late evening.
Virgo (Aug-23-Sep-22)
Singles will surprise their partner with unexpected surprises and expression of love too. Couples will relive their childhood memories and they will engage themselves in fun filled activities. Be careful while choosing financial scheme. At family front some changes at home will make you sentimental. Socially you will love to share your thoughts and you will enjoy the sense of freedom too. Professionally the day is favourable for you. Travel opportunities will be beneficial in long run. Sincere effort can increase money flow today. You can opt for some sensible investments too. Today you will be less emotional and more service minded. The frame of mind will escalate your career. The Pisces in moon in your seventh house will make you more emotional towards your spouse.
Libra (Sep-23-Oct-22)
Today may not be a flexible day for you. You may lack enthusiasm to achieve your professional goals. Communication will be strong point today. Long pending debt will be recovered today. At family front you will have peaceful environment. Singles will value the limitless love for their beloved. Couples will set couple goals and may indulge in deep emotional conversation with their spouse. You will spend the best day of your life with your spouse. Excess work pressure will be faced today. You will be compelled to incur more expenses at for family expenditure. Nervous problem may be the cause od stress at health front. Today focus on building your mental energy level and try to be more cheerful.
Scorpio (Oct-23-Nov-21)
Pisces moon is placed in the fifth house of your pleasure and goodness. This will make you incline towards creative work. Loss of comfort will prevail today. The best way is to be patient and handle the obstacles at ease. At workplace you may feel less motivated and boring. At interpersonal level couples will face lack of understanding between them. This may be due to the wrong notion about beloved. Money flow is not good for the day, you may incur financial loss too. The best way is to be careful and prudent. At health front eye irritation may cause trouble. Today you may scumble allergies too. Today you will be full of creative energy, use this energy in a productive way. Today you will live up to family expectations.
Sagittarius (Nov-22-Dec-21)
Today your polite behaviour will be appreciated. Professionally you will be showered with verbal praise. At workplace you will be able to accomplish all pending projects. Some people will tend to promise more than they can do. Pisces moon is placed in the fifth house of your roots and foundations. Today is more flexible day for you and you will make some major decisions. At health front you will enjoy good level of mental energies. Singles will have a positive attitude towards their partner. Progress in money matter is certain for the day. Couples may plan some surprises for their partner. Try to be in limit to maintain your savings. An optimistic frame of mind will boost your physical health. You may get invited for social functions and will be inclined towards attending religious gatherings too.
Capricorn (Dec-22-Jan-19)
Today you will feel as set for the pleasure and enjoyable day. At family front, verbal arguments may cause distress, but as the day progresses, you will achieve peaceful environment at home. At workplace you will feel lack of attention and your work may get criticised too. Government personnel may get rewarded. Today you will be focused on your communication skills. The Pisces moon is placed in your third house of communication that will be beneficial for you. Travel plans may get postponed due to last minute changes. An old friend of mine may come today to meet you. At health front pain in legs and thighs may give stress. Plan money matter judiciously.
Aquarius (Jan-20-Feb-18)
Today try to control your tendency of being extravagant in terms of entertainment and pleasure. Financial strain may cause stress. At interpersonal level, the bad health of your spouse may affect your romantic mood. Professionally you will find your seniors more supportive than before. Singles will make effort to improve your looks and that will give you satisfaction. If you are planning marriage then try to avoid it as stars are not favourable for you. Pisces moon will make you emotional today. The logical intuition will make money flow good for today. At health front leg pain may occur due to tiredness. Situations will arise that will let you to borrow money today. There could be tension prevailing for the day so keep calm and have positivity in your thoughts.
Pisces (Feb-19-Mar-20)
Today is a beneficial day for you. Elders will recover from the prolonged illness. Try to stick to your budget to avoid financial strain. Family quarrels will give you tension today. Singles who are waiting for something interesting to be happen in their life, they may have good news today. Couples may feel disappointment as their plans for night out may fail. Professionally you will be more hard working today. Today you will be dreamy and romantic too. Follow your intuition today it will be beneficial for you. You may plan big major investments. Knee and leg pain will trouble you today. Progress at work may not be good today. You may enjoy peace of mind today. Increased social image is certain today.