Aries (Mar-21-Apr-19)
Today don’t be in hurry while making any financial decisions. Today you may expect to meet friends and hangout with them in the evening. If you are making any investment plans regarding venture capital then go head, it will be beneficial for you today. In love life you may feel down today and lack of attention from your spouse, but feel good at the end of the day you will get some sweet surprises. Today you may feel inclination towards yoga for your better physical and mental health. Today you will feel more energetic and fill with optimistic thoughts too. Singles will be obsessed with negative thoughts about their physical appearances. At professional front the confidence in you will push you to take a major leap in your career. Today you will have the positivity to turn the day in your favour.
Taurus (Apr-20-May-20)
Today opportunities will be knocking at the door. Try to make some time for yourself today and introspect yourself. At interpersonal level today you will enjoy food cooked by your partner and you will be totally moved by the affection he will shower on you. Singles will be aware of the intentions of their closed ones. If you want to break all the traditional ways of loving your partner and try something new then you should take a step, today is a favourable day for you. If you are indulged in planning and research then today you may expect some good news in the concerned field. Today you may feel lack of inspiration at your professional level. Public servants can expect praise from their subordinates. Today you will be little bit more sentimental and emotional too.
Gemini (May-21-Jun-20)
Today you might feel little bit confused and at times fascinated too. If you want to express your love for someone then singles today is the best time for you. Today you may feel that your mind is wandering in all directions but the other side is that you will able to get the solutions of problems as the day progresses. At family font you will enjoy peace and will take part in leisure activities with your children. At professional level your dynamism and creativity will be beneficial for you and you will able to complete all pending projects. Today your energy level will be at peak. Health issues of an elderly in family may create anxiety. With little obstacles in the first half of the day you will find today as favourable day for you. Stick to your budget and enjoy evening with your old friends.
Cancer (Jun-21-Jul-22)
The eccentric style within you will help you to redefine yourself today. At professional level you will feel more committed and thinking-out of the box will guide to end the earlier issues regarding certain projects. Today you may wish to have hair cut and you will enjoy experimenting with your new look. Singles will be more imaginative and feel more flirtatious today. At interpersonal level, couples may face ignorance from their spouse. Be relax as the day ends your partner may give you some surprise as he enters the home. At health point of view stick to your balanced diet today. Today Scorpio Moon is place in the fifth house that will make you inclined towards fun-filled activities and entertainment. You and your partner may create best memories of your married life today.
Leo (Jul-23-Aug 22)
Today you will admire your will power and surely head towards problem solving. Today you will be little bit more creative and enjoy spending time with your children. At interpersonal level, your partner will add spice in love making and will be more seductive. If you are planning pregnancy then today is favourable time for you. Singles will enjoy their present moment without worrying about future love life. Today you will have busy schedule but at health font you will enjoy stability. Today try to control your finances to avoid money constrain in future. At workplace your magnetic personality will put you in lime light and you will enjoy the support of your subordinates. Today you will make new friends who will turn very supportive in future.
Virgo (Aug-23-Sep 22)
Today you will be more confident while expressing your judgment. At professional font your management skills will be appreciated. Your imagination and innovation will be fruitful for you. Today you may expect a new job opportunity go ahead and explore them. Planning a shot trip with friend will be pleasurable. At interpersonal level you will be in a self-doubt condition today. Singles should cancel their date plans. Today is not favourable time for them. Some of you may be inclined to your partner and will open their heart in front of them. Today you may lack self-confidence. At family level, relatives may visit you late evening. At social front you should act wisely as your image may get affected today.
Libra (Sep-23-Oct 22)
Today you will be more cautious about your beauty and appearance too. Today you may expect meeting someone who will have major influence on your life in future. At workplace you may feel frustrated due to work load but as the day progresses you may get some relief. Today you will focus on strengthening of older bonds and may expect some old friends call too. Today a long-term court cases may come to an end. At interpersonal level you might not get support from your spouse in daily activities that may upset your mood. Singles will resume their confidence and feel soul connection with someone. At family front your children will praise your support and they may cook something for you today.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov-21)
Today you may feel inclined towards yoga and meditation. At professional level today is favourable day for you, you may get promoted as well. The Sun and Jupiter in your sign will provide you extra power of understanding and good communication too. As the Sun and Jupiter is placed in the tenth house of your sign, that will bring positivity in your career. Today you will help your children in the completion of home assignments. Mind your words when you having conversation with an important people. Financial investments decisions will be beneficial today. Today success is all your so be calm and relaxed. Don’t let the negativity comes to your mind. Today you will take decisions for the growth of the family and you may attend some spiritual function too.
Sagittarius (Nov-22-Dec 21)
Today tension in family life will make you angry. At financial front, unexpected bills may increase burden. Parental health may create anxiety. Time constrain may irritate you. At health font don’t supress physical problems. If you are planning any travel, then today is a favourable time. Today your professional skills will be appreciated. The way you balance the opinion of your friends so social networking will add new friends today. New opportunities from foreign will be knocking at the door. Today you will be focused on team work and happiness. Jupiter is well placed in your sign increasing trust in your beloved. Singles will be looking for intense emotions and new adventures.
Capricorn (Dec-22-Jan-19)
Today all your financial problems will come to an end. You will be more be affectionate towards your loved ones. The astral energy indicates that today you will have extra money in your pocket. The cosmic forces indicate financial gain. Today you will enjoy evening with your friends and will be inclined towards being social. Singles will be attracted to someone, but later they will find that the individual is not sensitive for them. At interpersonal level you and your spouse will try out all madness today and will have fun. At professional level your work may be criticized but remember every one learns from their mistakes so be optimistic and learn to be positive.
Aquarius (Jan-20-Feb 18)
Today you will embrace your inner qualities and will inclined towards mediation and introspection. At family front you may not get expected support so that may disappoint you today. Today you will feel extra charm in your personality. As the Scorpio moon is placed in the tenth house of your sign you will enjoy magnetic public image today. Today be wise while having a conversation. Try to listen more than to speak. Today you will be high spirited and will lend help to the needy people. Spiritual functions are expected to be attended. At professional level with your creativity you will impress your boss. Singles will find new love in social function today. At interpersonal level, spouse may gift you something special.
Pisces (Feb-18-Mar-19)
Today is favourable day for you. You will achieve everything you desire today. The inner enthusiasm and your high spirit will give you success on major issues today. At financial front be wise while dealing with money matter. Try to be in saving zone as in near future you may experience financial strain. Today you will enjoy a real sense of satisfaction. Today you may expect quarrel with your neighbour, so be calm. At interpersonal level your spouse will give you intense pleasure. If you are planning a short business travel, then it will be beneficial in long run. At professional level you will listen and seek help from your subordinates. Today don’t loose your temper, it will spoil your mood.