December 11, 2020 Blog

Horoscope Of 11th December


By: Megha

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Today will bring good fortune and solutions to longstanding problems pertaining to health, family or your romantic life. As a result of this; your family and significant other will be as happy as you are. On the work and finances front; you will find no plausible cause for concern.


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Expect your workplace to be a little stressful today but do not take that negative baggage home. Instead; make full use of the opportunity to relax and destress with your family and you will find your energy reserves replenished for the next day. Your finances are strong and your good health will carry you through a rough day at work.


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Expect good luck in your romantic life this Tuesday. A complete stranger or an old flame may kindle the fire of passion within you and there are more than a few good reasons to pursue this individual. Your family and career will go as smoothly as desired; which will give you plenty of time to concentrate on your romantic life.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your health requires care and caution today as your workaholic lifestyle is beginning to take its toll. You may find that you are suffering from aches and pains and the best course of action would be to meditate and stretch your body with some exercise. Find some time for relaxation as well; as you require some rest.


Leo (July 23 - August 22)

For those that have been ill for a long period of time; your health will continue to be on the mend today. This will have a positive effect on other facets of your life and you will find that you more energy to invest in work, family and your partner. Your finances will be largely in your favor today.


Virgo ( August 23 - September 22)

For the Virgo born; today should ideally be a day to catch up on some rest. Your first day at the office was a tough one but you successfully completed any projects assigned to you. Tomorrow may bring about new challenges; so relax today. Your family, health and finances will perfectly compliment your relaxed mood.


Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Today is a day of tough challenges at the workplace so it's best that you get into warrior mode. With the right mindset; you will find that you are largely successful and much appreciated by your superiors and colleagues. You are not likely to get much time with your partner or your family today but your health and finances will be of little cause for concern.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

If you are employed in the service industry or your business involves providing a much needed service; you will find much satisfaction in your line of work today. Your clients will benefit from your efforts and your pocketbook will be substantially supplemented. On the family and romantic front; everyone will be delighted with your progress.


Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Today is great day to devote some time to your spouse or partner. You have been busy lately and you are sorely missed. Your best course of action would be to set up a romantic dinner date after work hours. Your personal life will be greatly benefited with some intimate time spent with your significant other.


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Today will bring about important questions pertaining to your spiritual purpose in life. Your answers lie in karma and meditation. Take some time out for quiet meditation today and put some of your money into a worthy charitable cause. Your soul will be nourished by an act of selflessness after a long time of chasing your own material needs.


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Today will be a boring day but you need to keep your hand in the game and not allow your restlessness to get the better of you. Do not engage in risky behaviours owing to boredom as you could cause distress to your partner and family and even yourself.


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Relationship problems will be resolved today. Expect your partner to be in a good mood for problem solving communications and put your thoughts and feelings across with the right words. Your family, friends and finances will be largely supportive of taking your relationship to the next level today.