December 27, 2017 Blog

Yearly Horoscope 2018 | 2018 Horoscope By Starzspeak


By: Pushtiie

Aries: What goes around comes around! Aries, pay attention to what you are putting out there, this year. It is a year where you are getting the justice you deserve. The justice you ask for will be given too. Take a moment to look at what you have asked for. Make the corrections you need to RIGHTAWAY for karma is in the mood to shower you with its blessings. It sound like a lot for the unaware… but those who are up to it, it’s an opportunity to pull up your socks and feel the warmth the Universe has in store for you. There will also be a fair turn on all that is pending in your life. Time to tie up the loose ends my darlings!


Taurus: Love is the KEY! Relationships will be your teacher as always, in every aspect of your life. Pay attention to what they bring up, it’s ready to be sorted, finally! This time around the world will have the chance to experience what it is like, when YOU trust! Your complete dedication to everything you take up will give you the energy to make the best decisions, this year! The secret, dear Taurus, is to identify what it FEELS like. Let the internal radar of emotion, connect and softness guide your being to clarity. Let go of the temptation to be the bull you are used to being, usually. Stay stubborn, this time about allowing you heart to take the lead as much as possible!


Gemini: CHANGE is in the air… if you allow it! Gemini, this year can be a powerful one for you if you are up for the changes that you can create for yourself. This will involve giving up and letting go of the old on every level. The comfort zones that have grown, need to be shattered. Rapidly. It is time to take the POWER BACK and start guiding your own life’s flow. STOP feeding the helpless, lost side you have. Come into the side that is used to taking charge. This is the battle for your year. In the end you will know what YOU, individually, are made up of. There is help around you… TAP  into it. Soldier on Gemini! Success is HERE!


Cancer: Recognize your STRENGTH! Cancer, you are known as the softy of the zodiac. Retreating in situations that call upon you to be overly practical and unemotional. NOT ANY MORE! With the change in year, the energies are also changing. This year will make it easier to allow the mind to play a more active part in your everyday life. The power surge you will feel with this change will be a little difficult to handle at first, no matter how much you try to hide it. Be honest with yourself and jump out of the melodrama. It is a chance to be POWERFUL with your personal secret ingredient… EMOTION! Energy in Motion. Time to set the wheels turning and take off. Ready… SET… GOOOOOO….


Leo: Keep that EGO in check! Sure you always hear that. But this time it’s super important coz you are about to have yourself a winning streak. All that you have worked on for so many years is about to find success. Even the smallest efforts you have made will start flowering and blooming. All you have to do now is make sure, it does not go to your head. This will potentially minimize the inflow and leave you complaining. This year, Leo, asks of you to pay attention to the REAL and HARD work and not the boast that usually arises from the littlest of it. So get to it. Roll up your sleeves lion, you’ll need the hands to balance you inner shine.


Virgo: True prosperity awaits in your Heart! Virgo, this is a year of pure PROSPERITY for you. You just need to know the place it resides for your life. HINT: it’s not in the money or the land or the bank balance you can show. It’s in the relationships and the connections you can make. Be it family at home or at work or the family you go partying with once a week. It’s all about the valuing the family. There can be down moment that lead to a day, but with the power of the family you will forever be supported and cared for. Advice: The potential bliss that awaits you, will also take a little work on your behalf. Don’t shy away now!


Libra: Balance of the Feminine. Feminine energy, within and without is about to play an important part in your life. Libra, this is the year to pay close attention to the kind of changes the feminine bring in your life. Either a woman comes in, or leaves or you get in touch with that part of yourself. It only means you are becoming more intuitive and creative and somewhere a lot more energetic. The woman is also commanding and it’s possible you will be given that kind of a post in some aspect of your life. Are you ready to find and live in that kind of balance? SO…how much of THAT you are comfortable with? Ready to live with a Flourish? You’ll Love it!


Scorpio: Unlimited potential for Unlimited Success! Scorpio, be ready for a YES in almost EVERY aspect of your life. It’s going to be a year of much positivity and growth for you. What you have worked towards is all going to finally culminate in the positive. It’s what you have waited for. Be it a home, job, relationship, financial stability, health… it’s all coming up roses. You have only one thing to bear in mind… When you get most of what you wish for, WHAT you wish for becomes important. Your journey this year is all about know what you are asking for and how. Also “who” you ask it off, will be important. Keep your senses grounded and sharpened! You are Gold this year!


Sagittarius: Oh, to achieve Calm and Moderation! Sagittarius, you naturally go towards these goals, but leave half way if you don’t see results! This is the time to keep at it. This year you will have a better chance to achieve the balance you are looking for. Spend time each day checking, “What went off balance today?” It takes just 5 minutes. Along with that take a moment to see, understand and use the power of a PAUSE. Our life has a Pause Button and we know JUST where it is. If you have not located it yet… FIND IT NOW! It shall be your best ally this year. Lots coming to you for the next twelve months! Specially lot of opposites! Ready to balance?


Capricorn: Drop the burdens, NOW!! You seem to be carrying a lot of them and most of them are not even yours! Capricorn, this year affords you the opportunity to CHOOSE the burdens you would like to carry. It needs a little reflection and a lot of pissing people off, but grab this chance and give your shoulders some rest! The power to choose is like having a SUPERPOWER. Saying NO to what you do not want is very personally satisfying! You’ll need SOME practice, to get used to it. Drop the need to please another and start expecting you, to please YOU! Focus your determination and ambition on yourself and see the different it makes. Get ready to HAVE superpowers and USE them too!


Aquarius: Look a Bright Light! You, Aquarius, are being told to look up from all that is pulling you down. It’s time to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But you seem a little too preoccupied with all the drama life has thrown at you. Have you noticed there is more that is also coming your way? Or would you rather focus on all the drama alone? This year is showing you that there is a lot of positive around you and all you have to do is look at it. This, itself, will shift your energy. And there is a lot of help waiting to come to you. Just be open to allowing it. Think you can manage that, this year?


Pisces: Random Acts of Kindness. Being a water sign, Pisces, you are an emotional person. Yet, it feels like you have been a little jaded and worn down. Pick yourself up! This is the year you no longer have to wait for another to make a difference in your life. Decide what you want to feel and just GO FOR IT! The ability to be happy, personally, and make a happy difference in others’ lives, is the gift 2018 is offering you. Switch on your happy and get ready to change your experiences. This only needs a shift in perspective and that is easy for you to achieve. You are a master at shifting emotional states and this ability will float you thru the year!